
2021-03-09 22:27:13 字数 1403 阅读 6483


1 he studys in no.3 primary school.he goes to school at 7 every morning.[在某个学校应用介回词答in。]

2 father waters the flowers every morning.

3 my daughter likes watching television and listening to music

4 does sandy play badminton after school?

no,she studys hard.she always reads books after school.


1. he attends school at no. 3 primary school.

he usually goes to school at 7 every morning.

2. my father waters the flowers every morning.

3. my daughter likes wathing tv and listening to the music.

4. does sandy usually play badmintion after school?

no, she is very hard on her studay, so she always read books after school.


1 he studys at no.3 primary school.he goes to school at 7 everyday

2 father waters flower every morning

3 my daughter likes watching television and listening to music

4 does sandy play badminton after school?

no,she studys hard.she always reads books after school


1he is in no. 3 primary school,and he goes to school at 7 everyday

2my father waters the flower everymorning

3my daughter likes watching tv and listening music

4does sandy paly badminton after shcool ?

no,she study very hard,she always do some reading after school


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