
2020-12-08 12:34:27 字数 371 阅读 8501


it is called gloomy mood of lone autumn

it is called miss of distant sea

if someone ask what's my boring

i am afraid of throwing our you name.

i am afraid of throwing our you name.

if someone ask what's my boring

it is called miss of distant sea

it is called gloomy mood of lone autumn

《烦忧》的写作背景,烦忧 戴望舒写作背景

1楼 小铭铭炜炜 烦忧烦忧 戴望舒说是寂寞的秋的清愁 说是辽远的海的相思 假如有人问我的烦忧 我不敢说出你的名字 我不敢说出你的名字 假如有人问我的烦忧 说是辽远的海的相思 说是寂寞的秋的清愁 本诗共有两段 其实只有四个诗句 只不过在前后两段中 四个诗句排列顺序正好相反 在这样一种颠倒的重复之中 既...


1楼 匿名用户 on hearing a flute melody in the borderlands 霜净胡天牧马还, 月明羌笛戌楼间 。 借问梅花何处落, 风吹一夜满关山。 snow has thawed in the borderlands grazing horse returned a ...


1楼 煜青藤 he broken the grass on purpose 2楼 master发粪涂墙 he broke the glass on purpose 3楼 匿名用户 he broke his glass deliberately 4楼 匿名用户 he upseted the glass...