
2020-12-17 22:09:46 字数 2670 阅读 9303



students score table

student id

colleges: the college of civil and refrigeration engineering institute

profession: the project management

class: 04 engineering management class 1

length of schooling: 4

the first semester of 2004-2005 academic year

the second semester of 2004-2005 academic year

course name





required courses

required elective courses


students' affairs office

architectural drawing

college english

political economy

ideological and moral cultivation

physical education

military theory

advanced mathematics (upper volume) (technology)

introduction to civil engineering

real estate economics

college english (volume four)

deng xiaoping theory and the important thought of three represents

physical education iv

probability and statistics (science &engineering)

building architecture course design

surveying exercitation

management principles


architectural structure (upper volume)

construction and repair (upper volume)

today's world economy and politics


construction equipment

building structure course design

professional foreign language

construction project budget

architectural engineering budget course design

operations research (volume two)

architectural structure (lower volume)

construction and repair (lower volume)

urban planning principle

urban planning principles course design

real estate investment analysis

soil mechanics foundation and foundation

architectural cad

construction and repair internship

real estate marketing

real estate investment analysis course design

residential sociology

real estate law

***puter culture basis

college english(volume two)

marxist philosophy principle

legal basis

sports ii

higher mathematics (lower volume) (technology)

engineering mechanics (upper volume)


building materials

economic law

college english(volume three)

mao zedong thought

sports iii

linear algebra (science &engineering)

engineering mechanics (lower volume)


***puter software foundation (vf)

building architecture



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