我今天要讲一个故事。 today,i'm going to talk about a story.
我要为大家讲一个故事。i'd like to share a story with us.
我的故事讲完了。it is the end.
我今天要讲一个故事。today, i talk about a story.
我要为大家讲一个故事.i want to tell you a story.
我的故事讲完了。i finished the story.
i today needs to say a storyi want to be that you says a story
my story has finished .
you are to need to give a lecture.(你是要演讲吧)
hope can arrive at you group.(希望可以帮到你)
i will tell about a story.
i will tell a story to you.
i finish my story.
i'm going to talk about a story,today.
i will tell you a story.
my story has finished
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1楼 无名一小将 call to say sound to sky big sound i love you to that white of roaming sbout cloud say sound i miss you 2楼 匿名用户 call to sky with big sound i ...
1楼 匿名用户 原谅我。你知道我在 可以买到洗发水吗? 确定。二楼的有药店。 你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗 你能告诉我在哪儿能买到字典吗 你能告诉我 大街在 吗 你能告诉我在那里的一个好地方吃饭吗 请告诉我如果有任何好的newtow博物馆吗? 你知道这附近是否有公共厕所吗 2楼 专属座驾 打扰一下。你知...