My dad is ill怎么提问

2020-12-09 18:12:10 字数 6189 阅读 7782


,为你解答,正确答案为:1 who is this?2 yes, they are.3 is mike tony's cousin?不明白请及时追问,满意敬,o(∩_∩)o

my father is tall and fat.对tall and fat提问 ()()your father


可提问成:what does your father look like ? / what is your father like ?

虽然问题只有两个空格,但此句也不宜用 how is 来提问, 因为how is 通常是就某人或某物的暂时情况来提问;

tall and fat 显然是个长久特征; 长久特征适宜用 what is / are ... like ?

再看下面的例子: my father is ill. how is your father? (生病是人的暂时情况);

the picture is wet. how is the picture ?

the picture is beautiful. what is the picture like ?


what does your look like


how is your father?










mygrandma is ill in hospital对is ill in hospital提问?


mygrandma is ill in hospital对is ill in hospital提问是

how is your grandma?


mygrandma is ill in hospital对is ill in hospital提问 10


how is your grandma?

my father is ill . he is still in ______ hospital . i’m going to _______ hospital to see him . ..









观察划线部分,以便确定该用什么样的特殊疑问词。实际上我们常用的特殊疑问词,也无非什么(what)、什么时间(when/what time)、谁(who/whom)、谁的(whose)、**(where)、哪一个(which)、为什么(why)、怎样(how)、多长(how long)、多久一次(how often)、多少钱(how much)、多大年龄(how old)、多久之后(how soon)等等,只要我们认真分析一下划线部分是针对哪个方面的,我们就可以很简单的确定特殊疑问词。



1、对含有be动词(am\is\are\was\were)、助动词(can\may\must\will\should\would\could\has\have等)的句子,变为一般疑问句时我们要把这样的词直接提前。例如:① lucy can write articles very well.

─> can lucy write articles very well ? ② they were late for the meeting yesterday. ─> were they ate for the meeting yesterday?

③ mary has been in china for three weeks. ─> has mary been in chinafor three weeks?

2、对含有实意动词做谓语的句子,要借助于助动词(do\does\did)等变成一般疑问句。例如:① jim speaks english very well.

─> does jim speak english very well ? ② mr li taught him math last year. ─> did mr li teach him math last year?





1、对“地点”提问用where。 如:

they are studying chinese in china.→ where are they studying chinese?


.she came to japan in 1990.→ when did she ***e to japan?

3、对“时刻、点钟”提问用what time。如:

he often goes to bed at ten.→ what time does he often go to bed?


the girl is standing at the station.→ who is standing at the station?

they often go home with tom. → who do they often go home with?


i will meet my father. → whose father will you meet?

6、对“年龄”提问用how old。如:

the man over there is sixty. → how old is the man over there?


she likes the new skirt. → which skirt does she like?

8、对“颜色”提问用what colour。如:

her blouse is white. → what colour is her blouse?


his mother is a teacher. → what is his mother?

10、对“次数”提问用how many times。如:

he has been to england twice. → how many times has he been to england?

11、对“数量”提问用how many(表示可数) 或how much(表示不可数)。如:

there are fifty students in class 1.→ how many students are there in class 1?

she spent ten yuan on the book. → how much did she spend on the book?


we ***e to school on foot. → how do you ***e to school?

she is feeling much better now. → how is she feeling now?


he didnt ***e here because he was ill yesterday.→ why didnt he ***e here?

14、对“做什么”提问用what…do /doing/done。 如:

they are going to visit the factory next week.→ what are they going to do next week?

you are looking at the blackboard. → what are you doing?

they have seen the film. → what have they done?

15、对“一段时间”提问用how long。如

we have stayed here for six years. → how long have you stayed here?

he has worked in beijing since 1980. → how long has he worked in beijing?

16、对“频度”提问用how often。 如:

she is late for school once a week. → how often is she late for school?

we sometimes get up at 10:00. → how often do you get up at 10:00?

17、对“将来的一段时间”提问用how soon。 如:

lucy will be back in four days. → how soon will lucy be back?

18、对“高度”提问用how tall(表示人)或how high(表示物)。如:

the man is two metres tall. → how tall is the man?

the hill is 300 metres high. → how high is the hill?

19、对“长度”、“宽度”提问,用how long, how wide。 如:

the desk is four metres long. → how long is the desk?

the river is one hundred metres wide. → how wide is the river?

20、对“星期几”提问用what day。如:

today is friday. → what day is today?

21、对“日期”提问用what…the date。 如:

yesterday was july 1, 1995. → what was the date yesterday?

22、对“距离”提问用how far。如:

its 300 metres from my home to school.→ how far is it from your home to school?

23、对“号码”提问用what size。如:

i want size 42 shoes. → what size shoes do you want?

she bought a size 68 blouse last week. → what size blouse did she buy last week?

24、对“天气状况”提问用“what……the weather like?”。如:

today is rainy. →what is the weather like today?


what temperature is it today?

how many degrees is it today?

what is the temperature today?


my grandma is ill.she is

1楼 匿名用户 she is in the hospital now his grandma is ill。she is in什么hospital。 2楼 匿名用户 不填吧 in hospital 是住院 in the hospital 是在医院 工作之类的 mygrandma is ill in ...


1楼 兄弟连教育 知乎网提问后有两种情况,被人回答前及后分别有不同处理情况 1 在提问成功按钮处可以看到删除选项,在没有回答的时候,可以进行删除操作 2 对于已经有回答的问题,题主无法进行删除操作,但是可以进行编辑修改。此外特殊情况,违反知乎规范的问题会受到管理员的删除。分享 2楼 薑振堃 登录帐号...

Amy is from the UK对theUK怎么提问

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