
2021-01-03 10:10:14 字数 562 阅读 9561


1. are both of them doing this business?

2. are mark and martin doing this business?


are both of them in this business?

are both mark and martin in this business?


do both of them deal with this business ?

do mark and martin deal with this business ?



they both have to do this business at?


"mark and martin have to do this business at"

他们两人都英语翻译,他们两个人都 用英语

1楼 巧克力糖在路上 你好!他们两人都 both of them 2楼 陶與羅棒棒哒 the two of them他们两人 3楼 2807小鹿 both of them 4楼 你最喜欢的之歌 both of them speak english 他们两个人都 用英语 5楼 匿名用户 both of...

这个pm什么意思英语翻译,这个pm什么意思 英语翻译 30

1楼 星龙的老巢 它是下午的意思,但是pm是不可以单独使用的 2楼 aurore阿旦 在这里 pm 是 private message 的缩写, 社交网络等上的 私信。 3楼 匿名用户 可能是privatemessage,私信吧,这篇流水账谁写的 pm rd qa op英文缩写是什么意思? 4楼 匿...


1楼 what are people doing in new year 2楼 封伈鎻暧 what does people do during the spring festaval 人们在春节期间都干什么呢? 望采纳 3楼 黄晓达星耀 what do the pepole do during ne...