希望英语revision test ll(units

2021-01-23 05:05:32 字数 1005 阅读 9998




希望英语 修订版 测试二


ccccd dccbb

希望英语第二版综合教程3revision. testl作文


i.1-6 bcbabc

ii.1. share 2. address 3. dolls 4. coins 5. mails

iii. 1. used 2. watching 3. miss 4. interests 5. actor

ⅳ.1. am interested in playing 2. walking a pet dog 3.collecting stamps, great fun

4. in their spare time 5. fly kites 6. used to hate 7. be good friends, each other

徐小贞主编希望英语第二版综合教程2 revision test 1答案


听力:1-5. cacbd 6-10.

acbab11.mindless 12.dining 13.

advantage 14.packing 15.reasonable

单选:16-20. dadba 21-25.

ccdba26.unrealistic 27.examplifies 28.

your taking 29.would not have 30.effective

31.operation 32.friendship 33.underdeveloped 34.wonderfully 35.heard

阅读:36-40. dcdba 41-45.dacbc

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