
2021-01-16 05:02:14 字数 5444 阅读 6508


(1) select t.tname,t.titlefrom t inner join c on t.t=c.twhere c.**ame="高等数学"

(2) select dlookup("**ame","c","c='" & sc.c & "'") as **ame

from s left join sc on s.s = sc.swhere s.sname="zhang" and sc.s is null

(3) select c.**ame, c.cfrom c inner join sc on c.

c = sc.cwhere sc.s="s2" or sc.


(4) select s, sname

from s

where age>20 and ***="男"

急!请大侠们指点,一道数据库的题。写出关系代数表达式~~非常感谢! 50






1.use database_name

select s.sno,c.credit from course c join elective e

on c.con=e.con join student s

on s.sno=e.sno

where c.con='c06'

2..use database_name

select s.sname,c.sname from course c join elective e

on c.con=e.con join student s

on s.sno=e.sno

where c.con='c06'

3.select s.sname,c.sname from course c join elective e

on c.con=e.con join student s

on s.sno=e.sno

where c.**ame='english'

4..select s.sno from course c join elective e

on c.con=e.con join student s

on s.sno=e.sno

where c.**o in('c02','c06')

5...select s.sno from course c left join elective e

on c.con=e.con join student s

on s.sno=e.sno

where c.**o in('c02','c06')

6...select s.sno from course c left join elective e

on c.con=e.con join student s

on s.sno=e.sno

where c.**o not in('c02','c06')

7.select sname from student

8.select s.sno from course c left join elective e

on c.con=e.con join student s

on s.sno=e.sno

where s.sno like['s08'%]


求助 这道数据库 关系代数表达式的题目 的答案



select **o ,**ame ,teacher from c where teacher ='吴迪'


select * from s where

s.***='男' and age <20 or s .*** ='女'


select sname from s where sno in (select sno from sc where **o in (select **o from c where teacher ='吴迪' ))


select **ame from c where **o in (select **o from sc where sno not in (select sno from s where sname ='李波'))


select sname from s where sno in (select sno from (select count (sno) as 's**umber',sno from sc group by sno) scs where s**umber >=2)


select **ame from c where **o not in (select **o from sc)


select sno from s where sno in (select sno from (select count (sno) as 's**umber',sno from sc group by sno) scs where s**umber = (select count (distinct c .**ame) from c ))


select sno from s where sno in (select sno from sc where **o in (select **o from c where teacher ='吴迪'))


select sno from s where dept >85 and sno in (select sno from sc where **o in (select **o from c where teacher ='吴迪'))


select **o from sc where sno = (select sno from s where sname ='王虎')


select sname from s where sno in ( select sc.sno from sc where sc.sno in(select sc.

sno from sc where sc.**o = (select c.**o from c where c.

**ame ='c01'))and sc.**o=(select c.**o from c where c.

**ame ='c02'))


select sno from s where sno not in (select sno from sc ) select * from sc





1. π姓名,家庭地址σ 职务='科长'(职工)

2. π姓名,家庭地址σ 部门.部门名称='办公室'∧职工.职务='科长'(部门.部门编号∞职工.所属部门编号)

3. π姓名,家庭地址σ部门名称='财务科'∧职务= '科长'(部门.部门编号∞职工.所属部门编号)

4. del from 职工 where 职工号='3016'

5. update 保健 set 健康状况='一般' where 职工号='3016'

6. create view 视图名 as selcet * from 保健 where 健康状况='差'




1.select * from student where sname='李政'


3.select sname,sno from student where exists(select 1 from class where clsname='计算机01' and clsno=student.clsno)

4.select clsname from class where exists(select 1 from student where sname='张山' and clsno=class.clsno)





1.πcid,**ame(σe68a84e8a2ad62616964757a686964616f31333330343161 teacher='liu'(c))

select cid,**ame from c where teacher = 'liu'

2.πsid,sname(σ age>23∧***='男'(s))

select sid,sname from s where age>23 and ***='男'

3.π**ame,teachre(σ sid = 's3' (c×sc))

select c.cid, **ame,teachre from sc s, c c

where sid = 's3' and s.cid = c.cid

4.πsname(σ *** = '女' ∧teacher='liu' (s×c×sc))

select sname from s s

where exists(select 1 from sc sc,c c where c.teacher='liu' and sc.cid = c.

cid and s.sid=sc.sid) and s.

*** ='女'

5.πcid(sc)-πcid(σ sname='wang'(s×sc))



8.πsid,cid(sc)÷ πcid(σ teacher = 'liu'(sc×c))


1楼 匿名用户 习题答案及解析 第6章6 1 1 1 单项选择题 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 d 5 a 6 d 7 a 8 d 9 a 2 多项选择题 1 abcd 2 abcde 3 填空题 关系数据库sql语言? 2楼 匿名用户 先d d 然后group by a b 然后having avg...


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1楼 匿名用户 例 设教学数据库中有3个关系 学生关系s sno sname age 学习关系sc sno o grade 课程关系c o ame teacher 下面用关系代数表达式表达每个查询语句。 1 检索学习课程号为c2的学生学号与成绩。 sno,grade o c2 sc 2 检索学习课程...