bleed it out是什么意思

2021-01-05 13:09:32 字数 7011 阅读 3261






总之bleed it out在这里有点为**兴奋到死的意味。dig it deeper just throw it away.


歌曲名称:《bleed it out》










你也喜欢啊 我也很喜欢啊 难得找到一个和我一样喜欢的人

yeah here we go for the hundredth time 历经战争无数,今日再次咆哮

hand grenade pins in every line 手雷引线洒遍战壕

throw 'em up and let something shine 抛起手雷,全部引爆

going out of my ****ing mind 都他妈的滚出我的频道!

filthy mouth, no excuse 操,借口一套一套!

find a new place to hang this noose 寻觅新址 悬起绳套,

string me up from atop these roofs 从房顶上 将我悬吊

knot it tight so i won't get loose 记得把我困牢,不然我定能脱逃。

truth is you can stop and stare 其实 你也不过是徒劳,

bled myself out and no one cares 即使我血尽人亡 也无人祷告。

dug the trench out laid down there 挖开战壕丢掉铁锹,

with a shovel up out of reach somewhere 沙土石砾将我笼罩,

yeah, someone pour it in 漫天手雷倾泻一片

make it a dirt dance floor again 死亡战场再次重现。

say your prayers and stomp it out 碎碎念完莫名祈祷,随后狠心将之践踏

when they bring that chorus in 当你听到他们齐声大唱


i bleed it out digging deeper 就让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

[end chorus]

go stop the show 快阻止这场战争秀,

choppy words and a sloppy flow 阻止一切胡言乱语和厮杀的**

shotgun opera lock and load 可手枪都已上塘,子弹无法挽留

cock it back and then watch it go 穿透敌人的背后,冷冷看他血流

mama help me i've been cursed 老妈救我,我已被诅咒

death is rolling in every verse 死神带着他光鲜崭新的灵柩

candy paint on his brand new hearse 在圣经的每个角落畅游

can't contain him he knows he works 我已无法忍受,但他却深知人类无药可救

**** this hurts i won't lie 操,多少痛苦哀愁

doesn't matter how hard i try 无论我怎么努力化解怨仇

half the words don't mean a thing 结果总是付诸东流

and i know that i won’t be satisfied 我知道我永远不会好受

so why try ignoring him 既然如此,何苦奋起抵抗

make it a dirt dance floor again 同流合污重新杀回战场

say your prayers and stomp it out 碎碎念完莫名祈祷,随后狠心将之践踏

when they bring that chorus in 当你听到他们齐声大唱


i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

i've opened up these scars 我遍体鳞伤如此惨烈

i'll make you face this 一定要让你面对这些,我坚决如铁

i've pulled myself so far 我竟让自己变得如此人性泯灭

i'll make you, face, this, now!!!! 现在就让你看清你**的那面!!


i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖










bleed it out 歌词中文翻译


yeah here we go for the hundredth time 历经战争无数,今日再次咆哮

hand grenade pins in every line 手雷引线洒遍战壕

throw 'em up and let something shine 抛起手雷,全部引爆

going out of my ****ing mind 都他妈的滚出我的频道!

filthy mouth, no excuse 操,借口一套一套!

find a new place to hang this noose 寻觅新址 悬起绳套,

string me up from atop these roofs 从房顶上 将我悬吊

knot it tight so i won't get loose 记得把我困牢,不然我定能脱逃。

truth is you can stop and stare 其实 你也不过是徒劳,

bled myself out and no one cares 即使我血尽人亡 也无人祷告。

dug the trench out laid down there 挖开战壕丢掉铁锹,

with a shovel up out of reach somewhere 沙土石砾将我笼罩,

yeah, someone pour it in 漫天手雷倾泻一片

make it a dirt dance floor again 死亡战场再次重现。

say your prayers and stomp it out 碎碎念完莫名祈祷,随后狠心将之践踏

when they bring that chorus in 当你听到他们齐声大唱


i bleed it out digging deeper 就让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

[end chorus]

go stop the show 快阻止这场战争秀,

choppy words and a sloppy flow 阻止一切胡言乱语和厮杀的**

shotgun opera lock and load 可手枪都已上塘,子弹无法挽留

cock it back and then watch it go 穿透敌人的背后,冷冷看他血流

mama help me i've been cursed 老妈救我,我已被诅咒

death is rolling in every verse 死神带着他光鲜崭新的灵柩

candy paint on his brand new hearse 在圣经的每个角落畅游

can't contain him he knows he works 我已无法忍受,但他却深知人类无药可救

**** this hurts i won't lie 操,多少痛苦哀愁

doesn't matter how hard i try 无论我怎么努力化解怨仇

half the words don't mean a thing 结果总是付诸东流

and i know that i won’t be satisfied 我知道我永远不会好受

so why try ignoring him 既然如此,何苦奋起抵抗

make it a dirt dance floor again 同流合污重新杀回战场

say your prayers and stomp it out 碎碎念完莫名祈祷,随后狠心将之践踏

when they bring that chorus in 当你听到他们齐声大唱


i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

i've opened up these scars 我遍体鳞伤如此惨烈

i'll make you face this 一定要让你面对这些,我坚决如铁

i've pulled myself so far 我竟让自己变得如此人性泯灭

i'll make you, face, this, now!!!! 现在就让你看清你**的那面!!


i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

i bleed it out digging deeper 让我挖吧挖吧,继续这疯狂的战壕

just to throw it away 麻木地将手雷向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

just to throw it away 向远方猛抛

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

i bleed it out 我拼命狂挖

No,it isnt是什么意思,NO,it isn't什么意思?

1楼 天龙和尚 no, it isn t意思是不,它不是。 no, it isn t短语 no ,it isn t 不不是这把 不no, it isn t very easy 是的双语例句 1 no, it isn t it s a camera 不,不是的,那是一个相机。 2 no, it isn...


1楼 昌惜寒家正 it是信息技术的简称,informationtechnology 指与信息相关的技术。不同的人和不同的书上对此有不同解释。但一个基本上大家都同意的观点是,it有以下三部分组成 传感技术 这是人的感觉器官的延伸与拓展,最明显的例子是条码阅读器 通信技术 这是人的神经系统的延伸与拓展,...

Please go out什么意思哦拜托各位了3Q

1楼 sky灬小笼包 please go out 意思就是 请出去 请滚出去 2楼 小菜 比较客气的说法 请你出去! 3楼 匿名用户 如当事人非常激动的说此话意思就是 滚 ! 93的3q啦725是什么意思? 4楼 潘多拉魔盒 3q是源于台湾,台抄语里面袭的3q比较接近thank you, 就是谢谢你...