
2021-01-05 06:53:20 字数 387 阅读 3875



i like flowers so much, there are all kinds of flowers, i like sunflower most. the

reason i like it because its name, the name sunflower gives people the impression of

hope, sun stands for positive attitude, sunflower tells us we should be full of hope,

we can see the sunshine everyday, nothing’s gonna upset us.


1楼 匿名用户 sunflower i like flowers so much there are all kinds of flowers i like sunflower most the reason i like it because its name the name sunflower...


1楼 智课网 sunflower i like flowers so much there are all kinds of flowers i like sunflower most the reason i like it because its name the name sunflower ...


1楼 怀中有可抱 太阳花,英文名字sunflower 太阳花 拉丁学名 portulaca grandiflora ,又称松叶牡丹 半支莲,马齿苋科马齿苋属多年生花卉,常作一年生栽培。喜欢温暖 阳光充足而干燥的环境,见阳光花开,早 晚 阴天闭合,故有 太阳花 午时花 之名。 原产于南美洲的巴西。现中...