
2020-11-23 13:25:08 字数 1107 阅读 8069


1.far away; not at all; 2.look forword to; 3 be divide to; 4.


5.participates in (activity); 6 attend (conference) 7. participate in (association)

8 .spot not to look like 9. in other words, 10. be strict to somebody request ;

11. avoid doing something 12 .admit doing sth. 13 .consider doing sth .....

14 .regard as somebody; considering…is…. 15 .(result) as a result of….result

16 results 17 decided by you 18 prefer to do rather do ;prefer doing to doing ;

would do rather than do

19 obsolete;out of style 20 take the exchange (condition) 21 loads do….

22 connected...with 23 put up 24 endures

25 catch up with 26 pairs….makes responded that 27 draw the conclusion (four)

28 increase 29 overall 30 used to do 31 are accustomed to

32be used to do 33be proud of 34 average

35 ***posed by ... 36 as well 37 be same as 38 pay attention to

39 ***pared to...... 40 worry .....about


1楼 匿名用户 husband 英 h zb nd 美 h zb nd n 丈夫 英 管家 古 节俭的管理人 船舶管理人 vt 节俭地使用 罕 做 的丈夫 例句 husbanding precious resources was part of rural life 节约地使用宝贵的资源是乡村生活的...


1楼 宠爱此生 万花之王 牡丹 花中君子 兰花 凌寒傲雪 梅花 寒秋之魂 菊花 水中芙蓉 荷花 2楼 超饿的飞牛 牡丹兰花 梅花菊花荷花 3楼 瞿虹冷明明 你发布一个文本格式的,我帮你看看 4楼 道妙错国源 这个是 格式,你应该发文本的 5楼 泷乔乐正飞翮 自己填上就可以了,很简单。 6楼 秦奇敏康...


1楼 菠萝花满楼 如图所示,不懂可以联系我。 2楼 匿名用户 解出函数解析式并不难。但有点小问题 3楼 建议自己好好写吧,这玩意看见就头疼 4楼 匿名用户 当x 3时 y 7 当310时 y 7 10 3 1 x 10 1 50 1 5x 1 答案就是这三个方程肯定正确! 帮忙解一下,谢谢, 5楼 ...