winsock1.sendata "abcde"
doevents '这里加一句winsock1.sendata "fghij"
二进制数据:使用字节数组,定义为 dim abytsend() as byte,每一个数组元素保存一个字节的十六进制**(0-255)。
'execute函数是处理数据的:private function execute(id as integer, b() as byte, ret as boolean) as byte()
private sub wsi_dataarrival(index as integer, byval bytestotal as long)
'debug.print bytestotal
'if bytestotal = 2 then stop
'debug.print ubound(buff(bi).b)
if bytestotal <= 0 then exit sub
dim bi as integer, br as long, kh as kheader, kf as kfooter
bi = findidbuff(index + 1)
if bi = -1 then
bi = newbuffindex
buff(bi).id = index + 1
dim t() as byte
redim t(lenb(kh) - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata t, , lenb(kh)
br = br + lenb(kh)
debug.print strconv(t, vbunicode)
copymemory kh, t(0), lenb(kh)
if iskhvalid(kh) then
debug.print kh.datalen
debug.print t(7)
'copymemory t(0)
buff(bi).length = kh.datalen
if kh.datalen + br > bytestotal then
redim buff(bi).b(bytestotal - br - 1) as byte
'debug.print ubound(buff(bi).b)
wsi(index).getdata buff(bi).b, , bytestotal - br
br = bytestotal
elseif kh.datalen + br + lenb(kf) > bytestotal then
redim buff(bi).b(kh.datalen - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata buff(bi).b, , kh.datalen
br = br + kh.datalen
redim buff(bi).b1(bytestotal - br - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata buff(bi).b1, , bytestotal - br
br = bytestotal
redim buff(bi).b(kh.datalen - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata buff(bi).b, , kh.datalen
redim t(lenb(kf) - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata t, , lenb(kf)
copymemory kf, t(0), lenb(kf)
dim r as boolean, rb() as byte
if iskfvalid(kf, buff(bi).b) then
rb = execute(cint(kh.id), buff(bi).b, r)
buff(bi).id = 0
if r = true then wsi(index).senddata rb
end if
end if
'invalid= =
buff(bi).id = 0
call wsi_dataarrival(index, bytestotal - br)
end if
'there is buff
if buff(bi).length > ubound(buff(bi).b) + 1 then 'loading buff0
if buff(bi).length - ubound(buff(bi).b) - 1 >= bytestotal then
dim t_ub as long, t_b() as byte
t_ub = ubound(buff(bi).b)
redim preserve buff(bi).b(ubound(buff(bi).b) + bytestotal) as byte
redim t_b(bytestotal - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata t_b, , bytestotal
br = bytestotal
debug.print ubound(t_b)
copymemory buff(bi).b(t_ub + 1), t_b(0), bytestotal
t_ub = ubound(buff(bi).b)
redim preserve buff(bi).b(buff(bi).length - 1) as byte
redim t_b(buff(bi).length - t_ub - 2) as byte
debug.print ubound(t_b)
wsi(index).getdata t_b, , buff(bi).length - t_ub - 1
br = ubound(t_b) + 1
copymemory buff(bi).b(t_ub + 1), t_b(0), buff(bi).length - t_ub - 1
if bytestotal - br >= lenb(kf) then
redim t(lenb(kf) - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata t, , lenb(kf)
br = br + lenb(kf)
copymemory kf, t(0), lenb(kf)
if iskfvalid(kf, buff(bi).b) then
rb = execute(cint(kh.id), buff(bi).b, r)
buff(bi).id = 0
if r = true then wsi(index).senddata rb
end if
if bytestotal - br > 0 then call wsi_dataarrival(index, bytestotal - br)
redim buff(bi).b1(bytestotal - br - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata buff(bi).b1, , bytestotal - br
br = bytestotal
end if
end if
else 'loading buff1
dim tch as long
tch = -1
on error resume next
tch = ubound(buff(bi).b1)
if lenb(kf) - tch - 1 >= bytestotal then
t_ub = tch
redim buff(bi).b1(lenb(kf) - 1) as byte
wsi(index).getdata buff(bi).b1(t_ub + 1), , lenb(kf) - t_ub - 1
t_ub = tch
redim buff(bi).b1(tch + bytestotal) as byte
wsi(index).getdata buff(bi).b1(t_ub + 1), , bytestotal
end if
end if
end if
end sub
option explicit
public declare sub copymemory lib "kernel32" alias "rtlmovememory" (destination as any, source as any, byval length as long)
public type buffer
b() as byte
b1() as byte
id as integer
length as long
end type
public buff() as buffer
public const ver1 as byte = 1'版本..可能以后会用到
public const ver2 as byte = 0
public const signa as long = &h4b501111 '数据包的标记,可根据需要修改
public type kheader
start as byte
version(1) as byte
sign as long
id as long
datalen as long
end type
public type kfooter
md5(15) as byte
sign as long
end as byte
end type
public declare sub md5final lib "advapi32" (ctx as md5context)
public declare sub md5init lib "advapi32" (ctx as md5context)
public declare sub md5update lib "advapi32" (ctx as md5context, buf as any, byval length as long)
public type md5context
i(1) as long
buf(3) as long
inp(63) as byte
digest(15) as byte
end type
public const mm_join as byte = &h10
public const mmret_join as byte = &he0
public const mm_joinreqinfo as byte = mm_join + &h1
public const mmret_joinreqinfo as byte = mmret_join + &h1
public const mm_echo = &hff
public function md5hash(b() as byte) as byte()
dim m5c as md5context
md5init m5c
md5update m5c, b(0), ubound(b) + 1
md5final m5c
md5hash = m5c.digest
end function
public function packup(id as integer, b() as byte) as byte()
dim p() as byte, k as kheader, kf as kfooter
redim p(ubound(b) + lenb(k) + lenb(kf)) as byte
k.start = &h2
k.version(0) = ver1
k.version(1) = ver2
k.sign = signa
k.id = id
k.datalen = ubound(b) + 1
copymemory p(0), k, lenb(k)
copymemory p(lenb(k)), b(0), ubound(b) + 1
dim tb() as byte
tb = md5hash(b)
copymemory kf.md5(0), tb(0), 16
kf.sign = signa
kf.end = &h3
copymemory p(ubound(p) - lenb(kf) + 1), kf, lenb(kf)
packup = p
end function
public function rawjoinreqinfo(byval id as integer) as byte()
dim p(2) as byte
p(0) = mm_joinreqinfo
copymemory p(1), id, 2
rawjoinreqinfo = p
end function
public function iskhvalid(k as kheader) as boolean
if k.start = &h2 and k.sign = signa then
iskhvalid = true
end if
end function
public function iskfvalid(k as kfooter, b() as byte) as boolean
debug.print b(1)
if k.end = &h3 and k.sign = signa and bequal(k.md5, md5hash(b)) then
iskfvalid = true
end if
end function
private function bequal(b1() as byte, b2() as byte) as boolean
dim i& ', cmin&
'cmin = abs(ubound(b1) + ubound(b2)) - abs(ubound(b1) - ubound(b2)) / 2
debug.print b1
if ubound(b1) - lbound(b1) <> ubound(b2) - lbound(b2) then exit function
for i = 0 to ubound(b1)
if b1(lbound(b1) + i) <> b2(lbound(b2) + i) then exit function
next i
bequal = true
end function
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