
2021-01-20 14:27:41 字数 1238 阅读 4157


1. do i know liu ming? 2. he won't take photos. 3. rock(或者rock music) in turn(轮流)

order(顺序) 4. raining sking



do you know liu ming? he won't take photos. rock and roll, take turns, order raining,skiing

帮我写一片以how to ***municate with my parents 为题的英语作文拜托各位大神


we are in adolescence, existing problems and trouble, such as we cannot and parents good ***munication. these questions display in, we like and parents yelled, be they limits, cannot and friends free went out to play, we have no time to yourself and space! if want to fix these problems, i personally think should do:

first, be polite to my parents because they are hard working, fostering us. secondly, the earnest, patience, **ooth and parents great ***municate, understand each other's thinking. finally, we want to do it, even if reflect upon your own mistakes, hard to correct.

附带中文翻译:我们正处于青春期,存在很多问题和烦恼,比如我们无法和父母良好的沟通。 这些问题表现在,我们喜欢和父母大声嚷嚷,被他们限制,不能和朋友自由的出去玩耍,我们没有属于自己的时间和空间!

如果想解决掉这些问题,我个人认为应该做到: 首先,要礼貌的对待父母,因为他们辛苦工作,养育了我们。 其次,认真的、耐心的、平稳的和父母多多沟通,了解彼此的想法。



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