
2021-01-04 06:13:43 字数 362 阅读 6037


my friend and i have a good eating habit.

we like vegetables and fruits.

we have milk and eggs for breakfast and rice ,meat and vegetables for our luch.

we have soup every night.

my friend's eating habit is not very good.he always drink a lot .

he often goes to work without eating breakfast

介绍自己家人的饮食习惯英语作文,介绍自己家人的饮食习惯 英语作文 20

1楼 匿名用户 看得出来,你很爱你的男朋友,也可以说未婚妻吧。而这时你男朋友的母亲给你提结婚的条件,必须要你谋个铁饭碗和大点的地方买房,作为女朋友的母亲为自己的女而着想也不为过。可是以你现在的经济实力还达不到。 你只能和你女朋友的母亲商量着办,比如说列个计划,现买一个小面积的房子,有条件再买大面积的...


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