today is sunday, the browns are at home. mrs.brown is cooking meal in the kitchen.
mr. brown is reading a book in the study. jim is playing football with mike, who is his friend.
how about sue? she is watching tv with her friend ann, laughing. how wonderful the sunday is!
1楼 匿名用户 包饺子今天晚上,我们一家人围坐在电视机旁,一边看电视,一边包饺子。这次我也加入了包饺子的行列。 我们开始包饺子,爸爸擀面,妈妈和我一起包饺子。我拿起一个面皮,用筷子夹起一些饺馅,放在皮上,两手使劲一挤,结果馅冒出来了。我赶紧用一个面皮才算堵住了漏洞。 这时妈妈已经包了十几个了。 我放...