
2021-01-05 16:47:20 字数 872 阅读 9871


***puter bring more convenience, online access to information, published an article, watch movies, online remote virtual learning and other functions, to bring a lot of benefits. it also can keep abreast of the day's latest weather information. news events and tourist information, you can also see the day's news*****, stocks can stay at home at home, shopping, entertainment and leisure, enjoy the telemedicine and tele-education.

incorrect use of ***puters, will affect the physical and mental health. teen long indulge in the online world, you will not know how to ***municate and reality occurs after *** listlessness and physical dis***fort and other symptoms, abandoned their studies and work. so, when we use ***puters, the inter*** must be reasonable, correct use of this high-tech product.

let us better service.